It may surprise you to learn that some of the hard and tender knots we've furiously been working on are actually tethered, swollen, and inflamed nerves. This class will introduce you to the research, concepts, and techniques behind neurofascial manipulation– working directly with the nerves and superficial fascia to restore mobility and decrease pain. Nerves control tissue tone, while tethered and overstretched nerves create pain and inflammation. Direct engagement of the neurofascia and skilled use of neural mobilization techniques can dramatically increase your level of results and set you apart.
We will explore concepts of neurogenic inflammation, ectopic firing, central sensitization, and fibromyalgia. The work is based in part on concepts from JP Barral, Alain Crobier, and Don Hazen DC. You will learn how tethered cutaneous nerves contribute to back pain, and how to release the corresponding structures. You will learn to slow down, refine your touch of the superficial layers, and palpate the nerves around the back and the lateral line. You will also learn how tethering of the dorsal rami, intercostal nerves and the long thoracic nerve can influence vertebral/rib rotations and scoliosis, and several strategies to release them. Finally, you'll also learn a few effective self-care techniques.
Instructor: Steve Evanko, PhD, Advanced Rolfer
CE Hours: 10.5
Date and Time: Friday, Feb 28, 7:00-9:30pm and Saturday, Feb 29, 9:30am-6:30pm
Tuition: $200